踊ろうぜ ロックンロールを”
- The Nostradamnz -
The Nostradamnz is a secret society that wants to manipulate the world.There are 3 executives =members.(We call it a band because three of our executives happen to be able to play musical instruments.)We are conducting educational activities to increase the level of happiness in the world.Increasing the number of members (fans) = improving the happiness level of the world.Those who cause trouble are perpetrators = It is disadvantageous to the world to cause trouble to activities.Members are evaluated by performing missionary activities (diffusion) and charity (donations)You can get the sound source as an evaluation score, and on rare occasions you can even take a photo together.
後世の人々によって彼が内緒で書 いていたポエムが発掘され「これは世界の滅亡を予言しているに違いない!!」と勘違いされたために、日本は恐怖の大王に恐れおののき(そして少しときめき)社会現象になった。
ちなみにノストラダムスが生前に残したベストセラー代表著作は「おいしいジャムの作り 方」である。